We are the creators of the first Minimally Invasive Orthodontic (MIO) system with Mini-Tubes Flow Jac System ®!
Institutional video
In 2007 Flow Jac System was born, as a new revolutionary system that provides a less invasive and traumatic treatment for the patient.
The Flow Jac System mini-tubes are made of steel and meet all the requirements for safe use in humans, providing patients with a more aesthetic solution, easy to clean and without lip discomfort.
How does it work?
Based on the biological principles of dental movement, the Flow Jac System was developed, as a new fast-application orthodontic alternative, where the bracket is replaced by a mini-tube with a diameter of less than one millimeter.
The system is practically imperceptible thanks to its small size and to the fact that the tube is covered with a resin of the same color as the tooth.
Testimonial Jacques Touckmanian
The actor Jacques Touckmanian tells his experience with Flow Jac System, after having conventional braces and changing his braces for Flow Jac he was able to enjoy a high level of comfort in his mouth, improving his quality of life while correcting the position of his teeth in just 3 months.
Flow Jac System
Minimally Invasive Orthodontic System (IMO) with Mini-Tubes!
Flow Jac System ® It is the latest clinically proven fixed orthodontic system where the archwires persist and the bracket is replaced by a Mini-Tube with a diameter of less than one millimeter, which functions as a self-ligating system, whose Minimally Invasive design allows for Cleaner orthodontics, Aesthetics and
Comfortable (MIO-CEC).
Based on biological and biomechanical principles of tooth movement with mild and sequential forces healthier for bone tissue, it guarantees the patient high standards of comfort while correcting the position of the teeth during treatment.