Research section.

Research section.

Scientific articles

Comparison of tooth movement obtained by a 0.014 Cooper Ni-TI arch wire between two systems: Self-ligating brackets and the Flow Jac system in electronic typodonts. Rev Odontos, 37, 30- 40.

( Alvear, JM, Barón, AE, Hernández, GE and Ariza, JT (2011). )

This study aims to compare the dental movement obtained by using two systems, self-ligating brackets, and the Flow Jac system in electronic typodonts with a pre-established crowding. It is an experimental, analytical study that included 12 models in electronic typodonts that had undergone pre-established dental crowding on a base model, where an additional silicone impression was made before being replicated 24 times.
The data yielded the respective pilot test. The working temperature required for the activation of the arch wires was handled in two ways; the first was to condition the environment under a temperature of 29°C using a heater and, the second, with the temperature of the typodonts at 50-55°C for 6 minutes, being enough time for the ideal softening of the wax. The measurements were made with the CA Aid Program software, which automatically provides the measurements of the movements made by the tooth in the vestibular-lingual and meso-distal directions in tenths of millimeters. The results of the investigation indicated that there is no significant difference (p>0.05) between the averages of the two study groups. In the upper arch, the movement was greater with the Flow Jac system, both for the anterior segment and for the posterior segment: regarding the lower arch, a greater movement was found for the self-ligation system for the anterior segment and the posterior segment.

Correction of dental crowding in a class I malocclusion with mini tubes. Clinical case report. Treatment of dental crowding in class I malocclusion with mini tubes. A clinical case report. Scientific Journal of the Colombian Society of Orthodontics. 2015, 2(2), 137-141.

(Bincos, CA (2015).)

This report describes the use of a new orthodontic system, which does not use brackets as support elements to produce dental movement by using Cupper-Ni-TI and conventional Ni-Ti wires. The brackets are replaced by millimetric tubes that, after being cemented in the mouth, have a lower profile, resulting in almost complete reduction of discomfort caused by the brackets in the tissues.

Correction of anterior open bite malocclusion with the FLOWJAC System hybrid appliance with a history of bone resorption in the chin. Case report.

Anterior open bite correction with hybrid FLOWJAC® system devices, patient with previous Chin bone resorption. Case report. Rev Stomatology. 2018, 26(2), 38-44

( Herrera-Guardiola, S. (2018).)

The orthodontic system with Minitubes (FLOWJAC® System, Bogota, Colombia) is an innovative system that combines the work philosophy of self-ligation techniques with a low-profile appliance. The FLOWJAC® System works with low forces, as does the self-ligating appliance, with arches with physical characteristics of greater hysteresis than traditional arches. However, the FLOWJAC® system does not present a sequence of arch wires until a working arch is reached, since it works with a single 0.014 CuNiTi gauge arch wire and the clinician only modifies the position of the mini tubes at each appointment until the desired clinical objective is reached. The following report shows a combination of appliances, the FLOWJAC® in the upper arch and esthetic self-ligation in the lower arch. The treated patient presented bone resorption in the chin area due to an augmentation mentoplasty procedure with an alloplastic graft. Tomographically, the proximity of the root apices from premolar to premolar was observed and for this reason, pre-adjusted appliances were chosen to avoid detriment to the pulp and periodontal status of these teeth. The case was finalized with adequate esthetic and functional objectives; Class I molar and canine, closure of the anterior open bite with a vertical overjet of 20%, dental arch per the smile arch, and avoiding detriment to the surrounding teeth in the lesion area. The purpose of this article is to inform the clinician about the treatment of a patient with a history of bone resorption in the area of incisors to lower right premolars, with a Self-Ligating Orthodontic System; FLOWJAC® in the upper arch and Empower Clear® in the lower arch. The case was successfully completed thanks to an assertive diagnosis and an adequate treatment plan.

Clinical Tables

Class I malocclusion treatment with a new orthodontic self-ligating passive system with mini tubes. 2017

(Dr. Joaquin Ariza Olaya Presented at the American Association of Orthodontists Annual Session 2017)

Diagnosis and etiology: Class II malocclusion cases with different levels of crowding, deep curve of spee, retrusive, mandible position.

Treatment objectives: Natural transversal development of dental arches, correction of dental crowding, creation of ideal anterior guidance, changes of the posterior occlusal plane, ideal position of the first permanent molar, and mandible reposition.

Alternatives: Forsus, power scope, Carriere motion 3d functional orthopedic appliances.

Minimally invasive appliance.

Treatment strategies: Tripoidal guides placed in the upper arch that leads the mandible posturally to a previously determined anterior position.

Treatment results:  Cases treated with this therapeutic alternative class I canine, adequate anterior guidance, an ideal overbite and overjet, and the correct position of the first permanent molar have been obtained, as shown in the previous clinical case.

Conclusions: This new orthodontic treatment shows very good clinical and esthetic performance achieving a stable and functional mandibular position.

Malocclusion class II division 2: Correction with tripods guides and minimally invasive mini tubes system. 2018

(Dr s . Joaquin Ariza Olaya , (Drs. Joaquin Ariza Olaya, Juan Carlos Támara, Presented at the American Association of Orthodontists Annual Session, Washington D, C-2018)
2018 )

Diagnosis and etiology: Class II malocclusion cases with different levels of crowding, deep curve of spee, retrusive, mandible position.

Treatment objectives: Natural transversal development of dental arches, correction of dental crowding, creation of ideal anterior guidance, changes of the posterior occlusal plane, ideal position of the first permanent molar, and mandible reposition.

Alternatives: Forsus, power scope, Carriere motion 3d functional orthopedic appliances.

Minimally invasive appliance.

Treatment strategies: Tripoidal guides placed in the upper arch that leads the mandible posturally to a previously determined anterior position.

Treatment results:  Cases treated with this therapeutic alternative class I canine, adequate anterior guidance, an ideal overbite and overjet, and the correct position of the first permanent molar have been obtained, as shown in the previous clinical case.

Conclusions: This new orthodontic treatment shows very good clinical and esthetic performance achieving a stable and functional mandibular position.

Minimally invasive mini tube system:  A new alternative in the correction of class III malocclusion 2019

(Drs. Joaquin Ariza Olaya, Juan Carlos Támara, Presented at the American Association of Orthodontists Annual Session, Los Ángeles-2019)

In our current social communities, people seek alternatives to conventional orthodontics to treat their malocclusions, such as ceramic brackets or dental aligners. This led us to think about creating less invasive appliances to move the teeth.

That is why we are pleased to present the Flow Jac System, a new alternative treatment in orthodontics.

As a study group, we have treated many patients with this system discovering innumerable biomechanical possibilities to treat any malocclusion.

In this case, we present a class III malocclusion with different occlusal and dental characteristics, such as horizontal posterior occlusal plane, edge-to-edge bite, dental crowding, and occlusal interferences.

As a treatment strategy:  Our objective was to change the inclination of the posterior occlusal plane based on a minimally invasive mini tubes appliance to develop our class III treatment protocol using anterior intermaxillary elastics and a Cu NITI arch wire sequence with special curves to change the inclination of the posterior occlusal plane.

As a result of treatment:  We were able to achieve a good dental and facial relationship with a good aesthetic smile.

We have found that this treatment gives us the possibility to offer a new alternative that is more hygienic and less invasive to our patients where the patients can commit to an improved method of treatment.

Spheno-occipital vertical strain and its relationship with the occlusal plane in Class II and Class III malocclusions and the use of treatment strategies such as occlusal guides and mini-tube orthodontics to achieve compensation.

( Dr.. Alexandra Perez Roncancio, Joaquin Ariza Olaya , , Presented at the Colombian Society of Orthodontics, Pereira Congress- 2018

Spheno-occipital vertical strain and its relationship with the occlusal plane in Class II and Class III malocclusions and the use of treatment strategies such as occlusal guides and mini-tube orthodontics to achieve compensation.

Md. Alexandra Pérez Roncancio / Dr. Joaquín Tiberio Ariza Olaya. Orthodontists, UMNG UNICIEO.

Introduction: The sphenobasilar symphysis is the fundamental joint of the whole organism whose physiological movements allow obtaining structural changes that produce significant alternations in the human being and unbalance function, including dental malocclusions.

Objective: The objective of this Round Table is to consider the existence of structural relationships between the teeth in occlusion, the occlusal plane, and Class II and Class III malocclusions, with the cranial bones and the dynamics of the cranial sutures when using a Mini-Tubes system, combined with the occlusal guides described by the Flow Jac System® for the stabilization of these malocclusions..

Vertical Strain: : When the body of the sphenoid is in a high or low position with respect to the base of the occipital

Relationships/Malocclusions: Relationships/Malocclusions: Low vertical Strain Class II, extension, High vertical Strain Class III, flexion, Carrafiello A. Postural Orthodontic Guide (Guía de ortodoncia Postural). Opmed, Bogotá. 2017, Inclined occlusal plane and increased Spee curve, Flattened occlusal plane, and reverse Spee curve.

JAC tripoidal occlusal guides: Stabilization of the occlusal plane, according to the development pattern of the malocclusions at the cranial level.


Strategic positioning of the upper first molar for optimal orthodontic attachment

( Dr.. Laura Paola Sanchez Yarzagaray, Juan Carlos Tamara Motta, Joaquín Ariza Olaya , Presented at the Colombian Society of Orthodontics, Pereira Congress- 2018)

Introduction: The upper first molar plays a dominant role in stabilizing occlusion to maintain adequate intercuspation in both natural adaptation and completion of orthodontic treatments. Currently, the primary consideration in the treatment of the first molar is to occlude its meso-vestibular cusp in the vestibular sulcus of the lower first molar without any other specification.

In related studies such as that of Hung Su, et al, observations are reported in which the variation of the mesial or distal inclination of the upper molar in different malocclusions is determinant. The upper first molars modify their angulation to compensate for the mandibular position, either vertically or sagittally. There are important variations in this angulation according to the growth stage, the type of malocclusion and the growth pattern of each one to establish interarch contact. The upper first molars present a greater distal inclination in class II patients and in hyperdivergent patients, while a greater mesial inclination is observed in class III and hypodivergent patients.


Customize the appropriate upper first molar tube angulation according to each patient’s initial condition and treatment goal.

Application of variable and selective formulation in Class I Malocclusion , through the use of minimally invasive orthodontics with mini-tubes.

( Dr.. Karina Moreno Reyes, Alexander Suarez Bersinger, Joaquín Ariza Olaya , Presented at the XVll International Congress of Orthodontics, Chile- 2018)


Nowadays, orthodontic treatments can be performed using a wide range of brackets which, depending on the brand or technique, present different formulations already preset in terms of inclination, torque and in-out.

Minimally Invasive Orthodontics with Mini-Tubes (FlowJac SystemR), contains a selective formulation since the operator is free to position the tube depending on the need, individualizing each patient through detailed analysis of models, radiographs, and tomographies, to achieve the treatment objective, thereby eliminating steps and sequences that are not necessary.

This system achieves very similar standards of performance to conventional orthodontic systems but with less periodontal tissue stress as a more CEC (Clean, Esthetic, and Comfortable) alternative.

The philosophy of the system emphasizes that what is good must be taken care of, “Only move what should be moved”, implemented with a process of selectivity in terms of passivity and activity of forces throughout the treatment.

Treatment of Class I malocclusion with a new self-ligating system with mini tubes.

(Drs. Joaquin Ariza Olaya, Presented at the Colombian Society of Orthodontics, Santa Marta Congress- 2017).

Introduction: The mini-tube system is a therapeutic alternative based on biomechanical principles of tooth movement in which the fundamental concepts of different orthodontics (begg, meaw, self-ligation, etc.,) are combined with low levels of force and friction.

Patient – Daniela Imbacuan: Reason for consultation: I was recommended orthodontic treatment and I need to know if it is possible without braces.

Diagnosis – Class I Patient: Upper and lower crowding, narrow arches, maxillary prognathism, palatal plane retroclination. Average upper and lower incisor inclination.

Treatment: Cementation Flow Orthodontic System for alignment and Upper and lower leveling with .012 to .014 niti archwires. Coordination of arches and establishment of relationship between jaws. Intercusp elastics and completion.