Academic support group

Md. Gilda Rubiano

Content transcription.

Dentist graduated from the Pontificia Universidad de Javeriana, specialist in Orthodontics from the Nueva Granada Military University-CIEO Foundation, Research Fellow at UTHSCSA in San Antonio, Texas, USA, Specialist in Education with an emphasis on evaluation from Santo Tomás de Aquino University, Master of Education at Atlantic International University AIU, USA.
Diploma in Strategic Biomechanics from UniCIEO, Diploma in Tip Edge Technique. Training in handling Clear Aligner and Dentaline aligners, Flow Jac Technique. Professor of preclinical and clinical chair of MBT and Tip Edge at the UniCIEO University, National University of Colombia, San Martin University Foundation, University of the Valley, Santo Tomas University, Bucaramanga headquarters, Santander. National and International Speaker.


Md. Andreína Reimpell Vivas

Research coordination.

Md. María Teresa Aycardi Fonseca

Content transcription.

Dentist graduated from El Bosque University and specialized in Orthodontics from the CIEO Foundation in 1995. For 15 years he has been a member of the UniCieo faculty in the Orthodontics postgraduate course in the Self-Ligating clinics and pre-clinics, he has carried out cutting-edge courses in self-ligating systems, aligners and postural orthodontic devices, among others, and practices in his private practice techniques of self bound and FlowJac System.
